Mental health and psychedelics

Kelowna Art Gallery 1315 Water Street, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Join us for a discussion about the use of psychedelic therapy for mental health. Panel Experts Laura C Person with lived experience Zach Walsh, PhD Professor, Psychology, Irving K Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UBC Okanagan Francois Louw, MD EntheoMed, Kelowna Terra Belliveau, BsN, RN(C) Interior Health Moderator Jordyn Cates Masters student, Psychology, […]

Brain injury in women experiencing intimate partner violence

Online virtual event

Brain injury (BI) due to intimate partner violence (IPV) is a under-recognized but remarkably common occurrence primarily affecting women and sex- and gender-minority individuals. This presentation discusses recent research taking place at UBCO and elsewhere examining the impact of IPV-BI on brain function and how the systems put in place to support survivors can be […]