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BRAES Biodiversity Research Seminar

April 2 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

The Institute for Biodiversity, Resilience and Ecosystem Services (BRAES) at UBC Okanagan, Dr. Tal Avgar, and the Biodiversity Research Centre at UBC Vancouver invite you to the Biodiversity Research Seminar.


Dr. Ellen Aikens is an Assistant Professor at the University of Wyoming, with a joint appointment in the School of Computing and Haub School of Environment and Natural resources. Her research program merges animal tracking technologies, remote sensing, and field research to gain insights into the resource and habitat requirements of wildlife.


The Ecology and Conservation of Animal Movement.


Spatial and temporal variability in resources is ubiquitous in ecological systems. For many animals, movement is often the adaptation to this resource variability. Moving to seek out key resources that change across space and time is a behaviour known as resource tracking. In this talk, I will discuss examples of resource tracking, including mule deer that carefully choreograph their migrations with the flush of nutritious spring green-up that progresses along elevational gradients and pronghorn that shift space-use patterns to avoid deep snow. I will also discuss threats to resource tracking and how disrupted resource tracking can scale up to affect survival and reproduction.

If you would like to attend remotely, please email Tanja Voegel tanja.voegel@ubc.ca to obtain the Zoom link.


April 2
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Engineering, Management, and Education Building (EME)
1137 Alumni Ave
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7 Canada
+ Google Map

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