Career Connections: BC Sheriff

The Commons (COM) - Sawchuk Family Theatre (Engagement Theatre) 3297 University Way, Kelowna

BC Sheriff's Service is recruiting and hiring! Step into a career in leadership and public safety with BC Sheriff Service! Interested in a dynamic career in law enforcement? Join us […]

Event Series (Re)Claim & Connect

(Re)Claim & Connect

University Centre (UNC) 3272 University Way, Kelowna

(Re)Claim & Connect is a small group for Asian Canadians focused on storytelling and connection, facilitated by two UBCO counsellors. The group provides a safe space to share your story […]

That’s What [We] Said Launch Event

University Centre (UNC) - Ballroom 3272 University Way, Kelowna

Come and celebrate the launch of 'Resistance,' the newest edition of the That's What Said Journal!