Event Series Coffee & Decolonization

Coffee & Decolonization

Science Building (SCI) 1177 Research Road, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Join Naim Cardinal, Educational Facilitator with Indigenous Programs and Services, and Jessica Bayer, Educational Consultant for Indigenous Initiatives, for bi-weekly coffee gatherings. These sessions provide a space to ask questions and engage in conversations about truth and reconciliation, decolonization, Indigenization, Indigenous history, culture, worldviews, and more. All are welcome! REGISTER NOW

Community of Practice: Innovative Teaching Techniques and Tools

Science Building (SCI) 1177 Research Road, Kelowna, BC, Canada +1 more

This faculty learning community seeks to examine literature-informed best practices in digital assessment techniques, thereby promoting teaching excellence and student success. For this session, members of our CoP, Steve McNeil and Tamara Freeman, will share their Pedagogical Philosophy for Chemistry courses that are now active-learning based, with opportunities for interactive small-group peer discussion baked into learning activities (using guided […]

Event Series Coffee & Decolonization

Coffee & Decolonization

Science Building (SCI) 1177 Research Road, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Join Naim Cardinal, Educational Facilitator with Indigenous Programs and Services, and Jessica Bayer, Educational Consultant for Indigenous Initiatives, for bi-weekly coffee gatherings. These sessions provide a space to ask questions and engage in conversations about truth and reconciliation, decolonization, Indigenization, Indigenous history, culture, worldviews, and more. All are welcome! REGISTER NOW

“The Courage to Teach” Book Club

Campus Administration Building (ADM) 1138 Alumni Ave, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Join us in reading and reflecting on the seminal work of Parker Palmer, “The Courage to Teach: Guide for Reflection and Renewal” (20th Anniversary Edition), that still resonate decades after its publication. This is an opportunity to pair our exploration of teaching practices and tools with reflections on our teaching identity.  “This book builds on the […]

Community of Contract Faculty Meet-up

Science Building (SCI) 1177 Research Road, Kelowna, BC, Canada +1 more

This Community of Practice brings together contract faculty to examine topics, concerns, and questions identified by our community members. This month we will expand our conversation around professional development to include the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and share ideas for showcasing our teaching discoveries and successes during Celebrate Learning Week and the Contract Faculty Colloquium. Bring your proposals for input on creating […]

“The Courage to Teach” Book Club

Campus Administration Building (ADM) 1138 Alumni Ave, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Join us in reading and reflecting on the seminal work of Parker Palmer, “The Courage to Teach: Guide for Reflection and Renewal” (20th Anniversary Edition), that still resonate decades after its publication. This is an opportunity to pair our exploration of teaching practices and tools with reflections on our teaching identity.  “This book builds on the […]

Course (re)Design Intensive Workshop & Studios

Science Building (SCI) 1177 Research Road, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Do you have a new course that you need to design for the next academic year? Are you trying to set aside time to rethink an aspect of an existing course? The Course (re)Design Intensive (CDI) is an opportunity for you to be guided through the step-by-step process of designing a learner-centred course that aligns […]