Project-Focused Contract Grading
February 26 at 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Faculty-led Workshop
This workshop will discuss a pedagogical approach called Project-Focused Contract Grading and will contextualize it within the research and practice of equitable and liberatory grading methods. Many existing approaches to Contract Grading—in which students and instructors sign a “contract” that represents the grade students will work towards—emphasize small, discrete assignments and prioritize the volume of student labour. Dr. Murphy’s approach demonstrates how this strategy can be used in classes with large, cumulative assignments and project-based teaching. This discussion emerges from her upper-year digital humanities course and therefore stretches across humanities and technology contexts.
Emily Christina Murphy is Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities in the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies. She directs the CFI-funded ReMedia Infrastructure for Research and Creation, where she and her students research the multimedia cultural memory of the early twentieth century. In addition to Digital Humanities Pedagogy, her research focuses on comics, literature, social media platforms, movement and technology, and modernist robots. Her work appears in English Studies in Canada, Digital Humanities Quarterly, and Feminist Modernist Studies. She is co-editor of EnTwine: A Critical and Creative Companion to Teaching With Twine, forthcoming with Amherst College Press.
Emily Murphy, Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities
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