How to do Meaningful Work in Times of Constant Crises?

Arts Building (ART) 1147 Research Road, Kelowna, BC, Canada

This panel discussion was inspired by graduate students in the Community Engagement, Social Change and Equity theme and will feature a q and a between students, audience members and panelists.

Enhancing Breast Cancer Care in BC: Innovations for Women’s Health

Online virtual event

Dr. D'Souza will share findings from her mixed research methods and community participatory action to create innovative interventions and healthy policies for improving patient engagement care models for women diagnosed with breast cancer in British Columbia. Presenter: Dr. Melba D’Souza, RN, PhD Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Thompson Rivers University    REGISTER HERE This event […]

Sustainability Showcase

Engineering, Management, and Education Building (EME) 1137 Alumni Ave, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Join us to hear from industry leaders, participate in tailored discussions and network with representatives from sustainability-focused industries, agriculture, and economic development commissions.