Enhancing Breast Cancer Care in BC: Innovations for Women’s Health

Online virtual event

Dr. D'Souza will share findings from her mixed research methods and community participatory action to create innovative interventions and healthy policies for improving patient engagement care models for women diagnosed with breast cancer in British Columbia. Presenter: Dr. Melba D’Souza, RN, PhD Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Thompson Rivers University    REGISTER HERE This event […]

Sustainability Showcase

Engineering, Management, and Education Building (EME) 1137 Alumni Ave, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Join us to hear from industry leaders, participate in tailored discussions and network with representatives from sustainability-focused industries, agriculture, and economic development commissions.

CANCELLED-Biodiversity Research Seminar: Jennifer Bhatnagar

University Centre (UNC) 3272 University Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

This in-person event is cancelled. If you would like to attend via zoom, please email tanja.voegel@ubc.ca Fungi and climate change Dr. Jennifer Bhatnagar (she/her/hers), Associate Professor, Dept of Biology, Boston University. Fungi are a megadiverse group of organisms that drive carbon (C) and nutrient cycling through ecosystems through their activity as decomposers, symbionts, and pathogens. […]

Nav-CARE: A volunteer-based compassionate community program

Online virtual event

Nav-CARE (Navigation: Connecting, Advocating, Resourcing, Engaging) is an innovative compassionate community program that builds upon the unique role of hospice volunteers to provide early assistance to people living with declining health. This webinar highlights the scale-out of the program in Canada and exciting new developments in Europe. Presenters: Dr. Kelly Ashford, Project Manager for the […]

Biodiversity Research Seminar: Jennifer Bonnell

University Centre (UNC) 3272 University Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Stewards of Splendour: A History of Wildlife and People in British Columbia This presentation will introduce the context and process for the creation of Bonnell’s book, Stewards of Splendour: A History of Wildlife and People in British Columbia, published by the Royal BC Museum in Fall 2023, and reflect on some of its key findings. […]

Stewards of Splendour: A History of Wildlife and People in British Columbia

Kelowna Innovation Centre 460 Doyle Ave, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Featuring Dr. Jennifer Bonnell, Department of History, York University, Toronto. This presentation will introduce the context and process for the creation of Bonnell’s book, Stewards of Splendour: A History of Wildlife and People in British Columbia, published by the Royal BC Museum in Fall 2023, and reflect on some of its key findings. We will […]

Flexing your brain after stroke and the power of imagination

Online virtual event

Practice and learning is key to recovery after a stroke. But what if there are barriers to practice? Dr. Kraeutner’s work focuses on improving the way we learn to promote functional recovery after stroke. Presenter: Sarah Kraeutner, PhD, Assistant Professor and Michael Smith Health Research BC Scholar, the Neuroplasticity, Imagery, and Motor Behaviour Laboratory, Department […]