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Dissertation Defence: Evaluating the digitalization of the Small Steps for Big Changes coach training: From conceptualization to effectiveness

April 15, 2024 at 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Kaela Cranston will defend their dissertation.

Kaela Cranston, supervised by Dr. Mary Jung, will defend their dissertation titled “Evaluating the digitalization of the Small Steps for Big Changes coach training: From conceptualization to effectiveness” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology.

An abstract for Kaela Cranston’s dissertation is included below.Kaela Cranston will defend their dissertation.

Examinations are open to all members of the campus community as well as the general public. Registration is not required for in person exams.


Type 2 diabetes (T2D) prevention programs have demonstrated efficacy at reducing risk of T2D through physical activity and dietary modifications. Implementing T2D prevention programs in community-based settings, led by lay educators, extends their reach to more individuals at risk for developing T2D. E-learning offers a practical and efficient approach for training lay educators to deliver T2D prevention programs. Thoroughly evaluating e-learning trainings provides details about the resources and activities necessary to develop and implement the trainings and examines the effectiveness of e-learning trainings. Evaluating e-learning trainings is critical for improving and determining the effects of trainings, enabling data-informed decision-making.

This dissertation used the technology-enhanced learning evaluation framework and the knowledge-to-action framework to develop, implement, and evaluate an e-learning training for Small Steps for Big Changes (SSBC) T2D prevention program coaches. First, the SSBC coach e-learning training was developed by engaging with SSBC coaches and the SSBC research team. Next, one component of the newly developed e-learning training, a cultural safety and inclusivity module was tested for effectiveness and acceptability. Results demonstrated that the module was effective and acceptable. Thus, the e-learning training was implemented to train new SSBC coaches. Semi-structured interviews with SSBC coaches and SSBC coach training delivery staff were conducted to understand the users’ experiences with the e-learning training. Coaches and staff detailed what was working well and suggested modifications to improve the training. Fourth, the effectiveness of the e-learning training was examined to determine coaches’ satisfaction with the training, whether coaches learned from the training, if coaches delivered SSBC to clients as intended after completing the training, and the effects of coach training on
client outcomes. The final study included in this dissertation outlined how the e-learning training enhanced equity and inclusion within SSBC. Additionally, it detailed furthers steps taken within SSBC to advance equity and inclusion, and offered recommendations to improve equity and inclusion within other health programs.

The results of this pragmatic series of studies provided details on the processes involved in developing, implementing, and evaluating the SSBC coach e-learning training. This dissertation can be used as a blueprint for conducting thorough e-learning training evaluations.


April 15, 2024
3:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Reichwald Health Sciences Centre (RHS)
1088 Discovery Avenue
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7 Canada
+ Google Map

Additional Info

Room Number
Registration/RSVP Required
Event Type
Thesis Defence
Health, Lifestyle and Wellness, Research and Innovation, Science, Technology and Engineering
Alumni, Community, Faculty, Staff, Families, Partners and Industry, Students, Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Associates