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Campus Plan Update: Pop-Up #1

The Commons (COM) 3297 University Way, Kelowna

Do the proposed updates to the physical campus address the future needs of the university, its communities, and people like you? Join the conversation and get involved at our first fall engagement pop-up event in the Commons main entrance foyer.

Film Screening: Foragers

Engineering, Management, and Education Building (EME) 1137 Alumni Ave, Kelowna

Cultural Studies Global Justice Series documentary film screening

Event Series Nurse On Campus

Nurse On Campus

University Centre (UNC) - Picnic 3272 University Way, Kelowna

Drop-in and chat with our nurse on campus. No appointment needed to access this free service.

Vibing & Thriving with UBCO Life

The Commons (COM) - Sawchuk Family Theatre (Engagement Theatre) 3297 University Way, Kelowna

Come sit and yap with us for Thrive Month! We want to talk all about community building and social wellness over hot chocolate, tea, and little treats. The UBCO Student […]

Elements of Style: Co-Writing and Collaboration

Arts Building (ART) 1147 Research Road, Kelowna

This workshop will answer the question what is co-writing? And look at the benefits and various approaches to co-writing.

Event Series B.A.R.K.2GO


Engineering, Management, and Education Building (EME) 1137 Alumni Ave, Kelowna

Spend time with therapy dogs, reduce your stress, and meet others from UBC Okanagan.

Event Series Kickboxing


Gymnasium (GYM) 3211 Athletics Court, Kelowna

Join us for a five-week session of kickboxing classes at the UBC Okanagan Gymnasium.
