Unpacking COP28: A Panel Discussion

ADM Amphitheatre 1138 Alumni Avenue, Kelowna, BC, Canada

What will be some of the key challenges of the upcoming COP28 Climate Change Conference?
Join our expert panelists on November 21st as they discuss the most pressing issues.

Undergraduate Research Award Information Session

Engineering, Management, and Education Building (EME) 1137 Alumni Ave, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Learn more about FASS' undergraduate research award program at an information session on November 22.

Espaces francophones – Kiosque de la rentrée

Engineering, Management, and Education Building (EME) 1137 Alumni Ave, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Venez découvrir ce que Espaces francophones vous réserve pour la nouvelle année. Midi Express. Amitité Express, Atelier de cuisine, Cinéma et plus encore. Le 10 janvier, de 10h00 à 11h30, rendez-vous […]