Welcome Week: Student Learning Hub Welcome Table

Library Building (LIB) 3287 University Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Stop by the table to meet some stuff, learn about the services, and have a chance to win some prizes!


Thesis and Dissertation Structure

Online virtual event

Join this workshop to access resources and strategies for beginning and for organizing your writing process.

Welcome Week: Art Hive

Online virtual event

Come join others from UBCO in a welcoming space for a relaxing and fun session of creativity and wellness.


Copyright & Fair Dealing for Theses

Online virtual event

This workshop will provide you with information on Copyright and Fair Dealing in regards to your thesis.

Welcome Week: Let’s Talk Science Outreach

Science Building (SCI) - Foyer 1177 Research Road, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Let's Talk Science is currently recruiting volunteers to share their knowledge and passion for STEM for the upcoming school year


Welcome Week: Co-op Info Session

Online virtual event

The Interdisciplinary Co-op Program Office invites interested students of any year to attend a live virtual information session!
