Thesis Defence: Discovery of novel enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of monoterpene indole alkaloids in Camptotheca acuminata
Campus Administration Building (ADM) 1138 Alumni Ave, Kelowna, BC, CanadaVan Hung Bui will defend their thesis.
Van Hung Bui will defend their thesis.
Noah Fancy will defend their thesis.
Brooke Kwan will defend their thesis.
Md Jumar Alam will defend their thesis.
Meghana Khuntia will defend their thesis.
Manaal Basha will defend their thesis.
Pragya Bhandari will defend their thesis.
YuXiang Wei will defend their thesis.
Shaiyan Siddique will defend their thesis.
Nelusha Nugegoda will defend their thesis.
Scott Minh An will defend their thesis.
Tenzin Kunkyab will defend their dissertation.
Stephen Collins will defend their dissertation.
Nadir Ould-Khessal will defend their dissertation.
Miranda Smith will defend their thesis.
Corrina Kudla will defend their dissertation.
Alisha Lasko Greene will defend their thesis.
Megan Buers will defend their thesis.
Sanuri Hewa Thudallage will defend their thesis.
Erin McCurry will defend their thesis.
Xueying (Michelle) Lu will defend their thesis.
Matthew McConnachie will defend their thesis.
The Perseid meteor shower viewing is a public evening event hosted by the National Research Council of Canada. This event will feature talks on the observatory site, and stargazing.
Bailey Borden will defend their thesis.
Yining Zhou will defend their thesis.