Event Series Get it written

Get it written

Library Building (LIB) 3287 University Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Working on a paper or project? Preparing for an essay exam? Just studying for finals? The SLH will have hot drinks, snacks, and writing consultants available to answer questions about written assignments and essay exam study strategies. Yes, you can study for essay exams!  Can't make it? Check out the Student Learning Hub for more […]

UBC IT Okanagan Lunch and Learn

Online virtual event

Join us November 22, bring your lunch and learn some tips and tricks to make technology at UBCO work for you.

Event Series Nurse on Campus

Nurse on Campus

University Centre (UNC) - Picnic 3272 University Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Drop-in and chat with our nurse on campus. No appointment needed to access this free service.

CANCELLED – Understanding Publishing Agreements

Online virtual event

This workshop equips graduate and upper-level undergraduate students with insights on what to consider before signing a publisher's contract, ensuring seamless integration of these articles into their theses and dissertations.


Undergraduate Research Award Information Session

Engineering, Management, and Education Building (EME) 1137 Alumni Ave, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Learn more about FASS' undergraduate research award program at an information session on November 22.

Amitié Express : Gestion de Stress

Engineering, Management, and Education Building (EME) - Global Collegium 1137 Alumni Ave, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Has self-care been on your mind lately? Come join us for Amitié Express: Destress Night! Have mindful conversations, release your creativity, and while you’re at it, make yourself a destressing goodie bag as you indulge in healthy snacks!

Event Series Airhouse


Airhouse Kelowna 730 McCurdy Rd, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Join UBCO Recreation in partnership with Airhouse Sports Academy


The Floating Man Kelowna film premiere

Rotary Centre for the Arts 421 Cawston Avenue, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Please join us for the Kelowna Screening of Michael V Smith's first feature, The Floating Man.

$10 – $25

Canceled: Thesis and Dissertation Structure

Online virtual event

Embarking on the journey of writing your thesis or dissertation? This online workshop offers valuable tools and techniques to support your thesis writing process.

Event Series Get it written

Get it written

Library Building (LIB) 3287 University Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Working on a paper or project? Preparing for an essay exam? Just studying for finals? The SLH will have hot drinks, snacks, and writing consultants available to answer questions about written assignments and essay exam study strategies. Yes, you can study for essay exams!  Can't make it? Check out the Student Learning Hub for more […]

Research Data Workshop Mini Series – Python for Data Analysis

Library Building (LIB) 3287 University Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Our introductory workshops are specially crafted for beginners with limited or no experience in Python or similar script-driven tools. Designed as a welcoming introduction, these workshops empower you to harness your computer's capabilities for data exploration, taking you beyond the confines of graphical software like Excel or SPSS. Join us and dive into the world of data with confidence!
