Combatting tokenism in research: advancing the science and practice of meaningful engagement

Online virtual event

Research partnerships span diverse research disciplines, identities, locations, and/or contexts with a strong focus on research that serves equity-deserving groups. Despite calls for meaningful engagement in research, concerns about tokenism in research partnerships have been raised. To ensure research is diverse, equitable, inclusive and impactful, research that advances best practices for meaningfully engaging partners throughout […]

Postponed POSTPONED – Research Orientation

Library Building (LIB) 3287 University Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Learn about the many people and resources available to support you in achieving your research goals at UBC Okanagan.

Climate Solutions Research Collective Welcome & Launch

Engineering, Management, and Education Building (EME) 1137 Alumni Ave, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Join the launch of UBC’s new pan-university initiative to connect researchers on climate change solutions.

How to do Meaningful Work in Times of Constant Crises?

Arts Building (ART) 1147 Research Road, Kelowna, BC, Canada

This panel discussion was inspired by graduate students in the Community Engagement, Social Change and Equity theme and will feature a q and a between students, audience members and panelists.